Thursday, January 22, 2009

First post in a new blog

This is the first blog I've ever created on Blogger (unless you count two posts made to a class blog last semester), though I do have an online journal on LiveJournal, which I post to whenever I remember. :) Some friends also have journals on LJ, and I enjoy reading their posts as it keeps me up to date with what's going on in their lives, especially since they all live out-of-state and most of us don't have the opportunity to talk to each other on a regular basis.

While I'm already familiar with some of the programs being covered in this course, what I'm really looking forward to is earning more about those that I'm unfamiliar with, mostly because a lot of them are mentioned by classmates in my masters program and I always wonder how they know about all these cool things and why I always feel so out of the loop.

I do have both Myspace and Facebook accounts, but I find myself using Facebook a lot more. I think the applications are better and the interface is easier to navigate. I also have a Flickr account but haven't updated it with new photos in quite a long time.

Right now I'm feeling quite stressed because of the two new courses I started this week for my masters program and a new job position I accepted at New Lenox as a Youth Services Librarian (although I won't start until mid-February). Add this course to the mix, and it's really turning out to be an interesting few weeks. However, I have already found that every day I look forward to logging onto the GSU courseware and checking out the new postings on the discussion board -- this course is a nice (FUN!!) break from my other classes, and I can't wait to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin,
    Your blog is great. I am still working on making mine and took a break to see what other blogs look like. I feel stressed out too. However, I am just taking this one course. I don't have a lot of free time and it has been a very long time since I have taken any class at all. Welcome to Youth Services.
